Picture of Jon Williams
PPL Book 3: Navigation (1st Edition)
by Jon Williams - Thursday, 20 February 2014, 12:57 PM

Page 18: The International Date Line
In this section, there is an error in the description in the change from one calendar day to another either side of the international date line. The description should read as follows:

Immediately to the West of the international date line, the date is always one day ahead of the date (or day) immediately to the East of the international date line. So at 1000 hours local mean time, exactly on the date line, the local mean time of a location 1° to the East would be 1004 on Monday 22nd April, while at a location 1° to the West of the date line, the local mean time would be 0956 on Tuesday 23rd April.

In the above situation, for a traveller moving westwards across the international date line a day is lost, in the sense that he moves immediately from 1000 hours Monday 22nd April to 1000 hours Tuesday 23rd April (so he apparently loses a day in time), while a traveller moving eastwards across the date line moves immediately from 1000 hours Tuesday 23rd April to 1000 hours Monday 22nd April, thereby gaining a day.

Page 62: Speed, Distance and Time
Under the sub title 'Nautical Mile' the sentence which reads....

"Therefore, one degree of latitude is one nautical mile on the Earth's surface."

Should read....

"Therefore, one degree of latitude is sixty nautical miles on the Earth's surface."

Page 144: Application of the MDR Clock Code
Page 144: First line should read; "Remember that, by applying the MDR clock code, you can calculate the drift that you will experience in any given wind for your planned true airspeed."

Page 224: VFR Flight and Fuel Log
The VFR Log for the Flight from Oxford to Hawarden contains incorrect figures. The correct figures are entered in the log below. This log also contains the abbreviated call signs for the VFR RT frequencies relevant to the route instead of the ICAO airfield designator codes as in the original.


Page 281: Incorrect abbreviation
In the first line underneath Figure 16.1, the abbreviation VDR should read NDB.

Page 378: Marked-up Chart for Practical Navigation Route
The arrows on the wind vector in the middle of the marked - up chart for the Chapter 13 navigation route questions, on Page 378, are 180° out; they should be pointing in the opposite direction. The wind direction and speed 230/15 are correct.